
A deflocculant is a chemical substance that is added as an additive to a ceramic formulation (glaze, slip, etc.) whose purpose is to obtain a more stable dispersion in a mixture. Deflocculants are capable of producing an alteration of the zeta potential of the suspension particles, of the pH and of the apparent viscosity ofRead more ⟶

ADICIDE Aditivos Cerámicos biocides

Contar con un conservante apto para la industria cerámica no es una tarea sencilla ya que ha de preservar las propiedades del producto cerámico y no solo han de ser efectivos al paso del tiempo, sino que además la adición del conservante no debe modificar las propiedades reológicas del esmalte, de la barbotina, etc. LaRead more ⟶

Implementation of equipment for the manufacturing of Nanosilver®

Implementation of equipment for the manufacturing of NANOSILVER® ADITIVOS CERÁMICOS, S.L.‘s main activity is the manufacture of additives for the ceramic sector, such as tiles, tableware or sanitaryware. Following the development policy of the company, and its strong commitment to R+D+i, an investment has been carried out under the EQUIPMENT IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT FOR THE MANUFACTURING OFRead more ⟶


With the World Cotton Day, we found it interesting and important to highlight the obtaining process of one of the most widely used products in both the ceramics and the chemical industry in general: carboxymethylcellulose. Carbohydrates (CH2O)n are naturally occurring organic compounds and are nature’s most abundant chemicals. The biological and industrial importance is suchRead more ⟶

I Equality Plan

“Equality towards women is progress for all. It is progress for all”. Ban Ki-moon, former UN Secretary. In ADITIVOS CERÁMICOS, S.L. We have always been committed to the effective equality between men and women. For this reason, last September, we created the equality commission with the aim of carrying out a real analysis of ourRead more ⟶

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