Implementation of equipment for the manufacturing of NANOSILVER®
ADITIVOS CERÁMICOS, S.L.‘s main activity is the manufacture of additives for the ceramic sector, such as tiles, tableware or sanitaryware.
Following the development policy of the company, and its strong commitment to R+D+i, an investment has been carried out under the EQUIPMENT IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT FOR THE MANUFACTURING OF NANOSILVER®, beneficiary of the aid within the fifth phase of implementation of the Strategic Plan for the Valencian Industry, aid to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of industrial SMEs in the Valencian Community from various sectors granted by the DEPARTMENT OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY, PRODUCTIVE SECTORS, TRADE AND LABOR.
Improving people’s quality of life is important to us, and it is for this reason that we have developed NANOSILVER AG®.
The bacteriostatic additive NANOSILVER AG®. is a colloidal dispersion of silver nanoparticles, which creates an antibacterial effect on ceramic surfaces treated and that provides permanent bacteriostatic and hygienic properties to the glazed surface. The presence of colloidal silver inhibits bacterial growth, both in the ground liquid enamel and in the final piece after firing or curing.
NANOSILVER AG®. gives ceramic surfaces a permanent antimicrobial effect, or what is the same, a product that inhibits 99% of the growth of microorganisms and especially pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi. In this way, unique and exclusive pieces can be created that will give added value to ceramic finishes.
NANOSILVER AG®. is a cost-effective solution suitable for all types of enamels that will maintain the original tonality and design of the ceramic finish. At Aditivos Cerámicos S.L. we are always committed to innovation, it is in our DNA, and in these times of special circumstances we have not stopped working on it, adapting to the #newnormality is the best way to maintain our commitment to care for and protect both ourselves and our customers.
This aid represents a subsidy in the amount of €46,090.21 INPYME/2022/73 for facilities and new production lines, which improves the productive capacity of the company and its competitiveness in the sector.
Thanks to this, ADITIVOS CERÁMICOS S.L. continues to improve its processes, through the incorporation of new and advanced technology and the increase of the human team, to face the different challenges that the markets present to us.